Staying Healthy this Fall 🍂(guest blogger Devyn Atzen)

It’s official... we all blinked, and summer ended. The kiddos are back in school, 🏫 the temperatures are dropping,🌡and football 🏈 season has arrived. Fall is my favorite time of year. But with every seasonal change, there’s a need to adjust your lifestyle a bit more. Let’s run through the best tips to ensure your prioritizing your health above all as the weather gets cooler.

#1: Make sure you get your vitamin D. Although the sun ☀ is up for shorter amounts as we get further into fall, take advantage of the cooler temps. Take your morning coffee ☕ outside on the porch or schedule a quick sunset walk with your friend(s) or family. Research shows, just 15 – 30 minutes per day of sunlight exposure is enough to reap in the health benefits of vitamin D. Meaning better sleep, stronger bones, and immune system. JACKPOT!

#2: Stay on top of your water. It is more common to become dehydrated as the air becomes cooler and drier. Be sure to pack the reusable water bottle and prioritize drinking water through the entire day. Or if you are heading to the big football game, be sure to include a few waters 🥤 mixed in with your tailgating brews 🍺 and foods! 🍔🌭

#3: Try to maintain or find your new routine. While a change in season can be hard to adjust, it is easier if you stick to your same routine or make the effort to find your new routine sooner rather than later. This means plan your workouts ⌚, meals, 🍽 and schedule 📅 ahead of time if possible.

#4: Catch some Z’s. 💤 Sleep, sleep, sleep. Take advantage of the days getting shorter by focusing on your nighttime routine and sleeping habits. Yes, this means turning off Monday night football and the Bachelor a little earlier than usual, too! Doctors recommend at least seven hours of sleep per night. 😴Sleep is one of the best defense mechanisms to avoiding the dreaded seasonal cold. 🤧

#5: Eat those veggies!!! Lucky for you, I have included just a few of the fall, in-season veggies that you can start incorporating into your daily plate: apples 🍎, ginger, Brussel sprouts, raspberries, green beans, mushrooms 🍄 , winter squash, sweet potatoes, yams, kale, grapes 🍇, and pumpkin. And in my personal opinion, this does include pumpkin spice lattes! 😋

Lastly, make sure you carve out some “me” time before all the holidays set in at the end of the year. That being said, you can catch me either at the KHY studio 🧘‍♀️🏋️‍♂️ or the home section of TJ Maxx! 🛍


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