Yoga 🧘‍♀️Truth 💣’s you need to Know

Truth💣 #1 - You Don’t Have to Be Flexible for Yoga.

-          I hear this all the time: “I’m not flexible enough for yoga” This just makes me go HUH?  So, what you’re telling me is, you are not flexible, but you don’t want to do something that makes you more flexible? 🤦‍♀️

-           Do you play golf? Do you continue to play golf – why? So, you can get better at it? Oh – well…… question answered! If you continue to do Yoga – guess what?!  You get MORE flexible!  Funny how that happens! P.S. - it will also improve your golf game 🏌️‍♂️

Truth💣 #2 – Yoga IS a workout

-          Not only are you going to sweat – but you’re going to sweat A LOT!  Especially at KHY.  Now – there are more Restorative Classes, and meditative classes – but guess what?  These are a mental and emotional workout 😊 – you don’t have to kill yourself EVERY time you come to your mat – it’s just as Important to work the mental, emotional, spiritual as it is the physical.  Trust me – it might just be what your BODY needs.


Truth 💣 #3 - Yoga is for MEN as well as Women

-          Yes, women have really gravitated towards yoga in the western world, and approximately 72% of yoga practitioners are women.  But – did you know Yoga is believed to have early roots in the Brahmins, highly knowledgeable and wise priests of the Indian caste system often referred to as “men of learning”. Primarily, Brahmins were men. The yoga sutras, written by Patanjali, are considered to be the first written representations of yoga. Patanjali was a man. Most teachers/gurus were men who passed the traditions onto other men.  In fact, the “Father” of modern Yoga Krishnamacharya did not accept a woman into his yoga school until 1937!  Even then, he refused her at first (but was persuaded by the royal family to accept her) Hmmm…. That sounds like a story for another blog 😉

Truth💣 #4 - Yoga does NOT adhere to any particular religion, belief system or community

-          Contrary to what you may have heard or believe – Yoga is not a Religion. Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science of healthy living and inner wellbeing.  However, as a practitioner of yoga you are open to bringing your own spiritual beliefs into your practice.

Truth💣 #5 – In Short; Yoga is for EVERYBODY and EVERY BODY!

-          So, let’s get started!


From Sweaty Mess to Best Dressed: Quick Beauty Hacks for Post-Workout


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